Do college essays need titles
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Contrast Horses essays
Complexity Horses articles Ponies have been a significant and persuasive piece of North American what's more, European history. In his book, Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Extension of Europe, Alfred W. Crosby contends that ponies assisted with bringing about European's fruitful colonization of various mild districts for example, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and a few pieces of South America. He contends that the significant accomplishment of ponies in these districts come about because of the filling of a void organic specialty, and that the appearance of ponies on the fields in North America brought about significant changes in the lives of North American Indians. In his article, The Rise furthermore, Fall of Plains Indian Horse Cultures, Pekka Hmlinen contends that the basic view that ponies carried accomplishment to Native Americans is on a very basic level misrepresented. He proposes that the normal spotlight on as it were the fruitful consolidation of ponies by the Lakota individuals has contorted current comprehension of fields history, and darkens the harming effect of the appearance of ponies on local American culture and biology. In Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, Crosby contends science had a huge impact in the way that Europeans uprooted the local individuals of numerous mild zones on the planet (counting North America, New Zealand, calm South America and Australia). While the accomplishment of European colonialism is regularly thought to originate from military may, and trend setting innovations, it very well may be better clarified by other factors, notes Crosby. Basically, Crosby contends that the local science of these vanquished calm spots (counting people) was not prepared to manage European intruders. European sicknesses like smallpox destroyed local populaces, and European weeds and horticulture brought huge scope By and large, the creatures, weeds, and sicknesses that Europeans brought to the New Wor... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Tattoos. Cultures that Use Tattoo and Methods of Tattooing Research Paper
Tattoos. Societies that Use Tattoo and Methods of Tattooing - Research Paper Example Albeit normally considered by some as a minor method of embellishing one’s body with the ordinary winged serpent or butterfly, tattoos are viewed as an outlet of innovativeness and a vehicle of articulation by the individuals who genuinely comprehend and acknowledge craftsmanship. While tattoos regularly appear to convey negative relationship as the pictures of groups of extreme biker young men, and their wanton lady friends ring a bell as you consider such body improvement, they are additionally considered extraordinarily important and huge by different societies. The individuals of Thailand view getting tattoos as a strict custom and they are regularly used to outline blessed images like tigers, sanctuaries, or refrains from sacrosanct petitions. As opposed to this, the Japanese culture utilized tattoos to mark lawbreakers for all time, which worked like an open presentation of one’s acts. Thus, in Germany too, inking detainees with sequential numbers implied making i t simpler to distinguish them. Such utilization of inking clarifies why tattoos are related with criminals and mafia men. Then again, in any case, a few Germans have likewise recovered the status of inking to that of a type of a body craftsmanship by utilizing women’s bodies as their canvases to beautify and subsequently show their imaginative gifts. Local clans of the Polynesian Islands over the Pacific Ocean have made this a stride further as they view inking as a portrayal of one’s social remaining, as they utilize tattoos to delineate ancestry, rank in the public arena and sexuality (Wianecki, 2011). In Western societies, as should be obvious on the TV, the tattoo culture is extraordinarily predominant, since various Hollywood on-screen characters like Eva Longoria, Megan Fox, and Ben Affleck, among others, are seen flaunting their tattoos on their lower backs, necks, lower legs and different other body parts. Likewise, the tattoo culture is on the ascent and has r eally become a wrath as symbols, for example, Avril Lavigne and David Beckham decide to show their uniqueness through a small tattoo on the wrist, or through huge ones on the back and arms (Mifflin, 1997). As these famous people are turned upward to by gigantic fan followings, which immediately impersonate their preferred symbols, the inked masses on the planet has expanded enormously. As distributed by the Daily News in Los Angeles, â€Å"Credible measurements on the quantity of individuals with tattoos are really difficult to track down. Yet, in 2006, the Pew Research Center expressed that 36 percent of Americans ages 18-25, 40 percent of those 26-40 and 10 percent of individuals 41-64 have tattoos†(Auerbach, 2011). It is sheltered to state that the numbers have just been on the ascent from that point forward. Strategies Recently, inking has likewise gotten progressively well known for being instrumental as a technique for plastic medical procedure for areola remaking (Ast on, 2009). The most widely recognized apparatus utilized for inking is an electrically fueled tattoo machine that utilizes a needle or gathering of needles to bore ineradicable ink onto the skin so as to improve the body for all time with a tattoo. After this excruciating technique is embraced, the tattoo turns into a piece of a person’s clothing just as his/her character, and is flaunted as a style proclamation, or an image of something one has faith in, or, as on account of some Indian entertainers like Deepika Padukone, even an image of adoration for one’s accomplice. This helpful technique for inking with a drill-like machine, notwithstanding, has been found as of late. Since inking had begun far back, when innovation was not as cutting edge, different techniques were under usage to cause shading to enter into the skin. In some ancestral societies, structures are cut into the skin and ink scouring cause shading. In others,
Friday, August 21, 2020
Toilet @ MIT
Toilet @ MIT Friday evening, after getting one of the more interesting emails of this semester, I sat down with Benjamin Schreck, MIT senior and creative mind behind the Ben Schreck Shits wall calendar, which this year will feature idyllic MIT locations including the Infinite Corridor, Killian Court (with a view of the Great Dome), a lecture hall, an MIT professors office, a reading room where people study, and a sailboat on the Charles River. Why? Its a fun art project. Its tradition at this point, and getting bigger every year (this year is the third). Plus it makes people laugh, and were donating 50% of the profits to Doctors Without Borders. Is this the first year youre doing it on Kickstarter? Yeah. In the beginning it was basically my moneyâ€"my mom actually chipped in a bit. The first year was just one calendar, for my friends birthday. The year after, back home in LA, we were talking about how we wanted to one-up it. The next day, he found a toilet on the street a block away from his house. So we decided to clean up the toilet, which was also a photoshoot on its own, with hazmat suits he had lying around in his garage. Another friend joined us with a nice Nikon DSLR, and we drove around LA with the intention of making it a calendar. It took us one year before it was released. Before that, in February or March my sophomore year, we applied to the McCormick art gallery. One of the shots got into the exhibit, and it was featured in McCormick Hall for about six months. At that point I decided I wanted to expand the idea and manufacture a bunch of calendars to sell. Is it the same toilet this year? Unfortunately no. The toilet from last year was broken into two pieces, and broke even more during the shoot. Also its back in Los Angeles in a dumpster somewhere. The new toilet is a fresh one from Home Depot. We upgraded from trash toilet to lowest price tier at Home Depot toilet. So did you shoot initially with a toilet broken in two? Yes. You couldnt tell in the photos. There was a crack in the tank. If you look closely you would notice, but otherwise its not visible. We had two people carry it to the shoot, which I guess made it lighter. What were the challenges this time around, especially with a whole toilet? The biggest challenge this year was working with a whole team, more professionally. Its a bigger operation now, and because we have a real professional photographer, he takes more time at each photoshoot. How far in the shooting process are you? Weve done five or sixâ€"about halfway done. Is it cold, sitting on a toilet outside? Um. Yes. Whats your favorite part? I like the surprise when I tell people Im doing a calendar called Ben Schreck Shits, and then seeing them laugh when they realize its a real thing. Anything else? Im working with my roommate to bring Lil B to campus to give a lecture next week, and Im trying to get him to be in the one of the photos. (He doesnt know this yet.) So be on the lookout for that. So who are you? What major? What are your interests? Im course 6, the 6-2 variant, which means I do both hardware and software. Im really interested in entrepreneurship and music, and I was working in an early stage music startup over the summer, called TapTape, and Im also a pole vaulter on the track team. What other hobbies do you have, here at MIT? I mentioned music. I play guitar. Im also in a fraternity. Pole vaulting takes up pretty much all my time. What classes are you taking this semester? 6.111 (Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory), 6.175 (Constructive Computer Architecture), 6.UAT (Oral Communication), 15.370 (Building an Entrepreneurial Venture: Advanced Tools and Techniques), and 21M.359 (The Harmonic Archive: Music, Sound and Installation Art as Artistic Research). Whats your favorite? Im torn between 6.111 and 6.175. They use similar principles to do slightly different things. I really like learning about how big, complex hardware systems work, and especially the fact that I get to build those systems on my own. What are you thinking about doing after MIT? Im going to do the MEng program next year. Currently Im trying to find a project and an advisor. Other than that, Im still trying to figure it out. Im pretty sure I dont want to work for a big company. Will the calendar project continue? Yes. Its going global next yearâ€"or at least national, but hopefully global, with the idea of shooting in a different country each year. The longterm goal: lets put a Ben Schreck Shits calendar in the Mars One project. What advice do you have for prefrosh? Dont be afraid to deviate from the standard MIT technological path that seems like what everyone else is doing. Feel free to explore other parts of your personality, because youre going to get enough of the technical side in your classes. We then went to a hallway in the Z Center, Ben wheeled this years toilet out of the bathroom where it lives on a skateboard, and I took pictures. The calendar is currently being shot around campus and is raising money through Kickstarter. If youd like one, you can secure a copy through the Kickstarter. You can also donate directly to Doctors Without Borders. Here is last years August photo, the one that was featured in the McCormick Hall art gallery:
Toilet @ MIT
Toilet @ MIT Friday evening, after getting one of the more interesting emails of this semester, I sat down with Benjamin Schreck, MIT senior and creative mind behind the Ben Schreck Shits wall calendar, which this year will feature idyllic MIT locations including the Infinite Corridor, Killian Court (with a view of the Great Dome), a lecture hall, an MIT professors office, a reading room where people study, and a sailboat on the Charles River. Why? Its a fun art project. Its tradition at this point, and getting bigger every year (this year is the third). Plus it makes people laugh, and were donating 50% of the profits to Doctors Without Borders. Is this the first year youre doing it on Kickstarter? Yeah. In the beginning it was basically my moneyâ€"my mom actually chipped in a bit. The first year was just one calendar, for my friends birthday. The year after, back home in LA, we were talking about how we wanted to one-up it. The next day, he found a toilet on the street a block away from his house. So we decided to clean up the toilet, which was also a photoshoot on its own, with hazmat suits he had lying around in his garage. Another friend joined us with a nice Nikon DSLR, and we drove around LA with the intention of making it a calendar. It took us one year before it was released. Before that, in February or March my sophomore year, we applied to the McCormick art gallery. One of the shots got into the exhibit, and it was featured in McCormick Hall for about six months. At that point I decided I wanted to expand the idea and manufacture a bunch of calendars to sell. Is it the same toilet this year? Unfortunately no. The toilet from last year was broken into two pieces, and broke even more during the shoot. Also its back in Los Angeles in a dumpster somewhere. The new toilet is a fresh one from Home Depot. We upgraded from trash toilet to lowest price tier at Home Depot toilet. So did you shoot initially with a toilet broken in two? Yes. You couldnt tell in the photos. There was a crack in the tank. If you look closely you would notice, but otherwise its not visible. We had two people carry it to the shoot, which I guess made it lighter. What were the challenges this time around, especially with a whole toilet? The biggest challenge this year was working with a whole team, more professionally. Its a bigger operation now, and because we have a real professional photographer, he takes more time at each photoshoot. How far in the shooting process are you? Weve done five or sixâ€"about halfway done. Is it cold, sitting on a toilet outside? Um. Yes. Whats your favorite part? I like the surprise when I tell people Im doing a calendar called Ben Schreck Shits, and then seeing them laugh when they realize its a real thing. Anything else? Im working with my roommate to bring Lil B to campus to give a lecture next week, and Im trying to get him to be in the one of the photos. (He doesnt know this yet.) So be on the lookout for that. So who are you? What major? What are your interests? Im course 6, the 6-2 variant, which means I do both hardware and software. Im really interested in entrepreneurship and music, and I was working in an early stage music startup over the summer, called TapTape, and Im also a pole vaulter on the track team. What other hobbies do you have, here at MIT? I mentioned music. I play guitar. Im also in a fraternity. Pole vaulting takes up pretty much all my time. What classes are you taking this semester? 6.111 (Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory), 6.175 (Constructive Computer Architecture), 6.UAT (Oral Communication), 15.370 (Building an Entrepreneurial Venture: Advanced Tools and Techniques), and 21M.359 (The Harmonic Archive: Music, Sound and Installation Art as Artistic Research). Whats your favorite? Im torn between 6.111 and 6.175. They use similar principles to do slightly different things. I really like learning about how big, complex hardware systems work, and especially the fact that I get to build those systems on my own. What are you thinking about doing after MIT? Im going to do the MEng program next year. Currently Im trying to find a project and an advisor. Other than that, Im still trying to figure it out. Im pretty sure I dont want to work for a big company. Will the calendar project continue? Yes. Its going global next yearâ€"or at least national, but hopefully global, with the idea of shooting in a different country each year. The longterm goal: lets put a Ben Schreck Shits calendar in the Mars One project. What advice do you have for prefrosh? Dont be afraid to deviate from the standard MIT technological path that seems like what everyone else is doing. Feel free to explore other parts of your personality, because youre going to get enough of the technical side in your classes. We then went to a hallway in the Z Center, Ben wheeled this years toilet out of the bathroom where it lives on a skateboard, and I took pictures. The calendar is currently being shot around campus and is raising money through Kickstarter. If youd like one, you can secure a copy through the Kickstarter. You can also donate directly to Doctors Without Borders. Here is last years August photo, the one that was featured in the McCormick Hall art gallery:
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Case Study Omega And Genii - 1733 Words
Blog 16 - Omega and Genii come to terms for new working agreement The online casino industry is the midst of a growth spurt during 2015. It seems that operators and developers around the world are looking for ways to growth their businesses, getting a leg up on the competition in the process. Through takeovers, mergers, and working agreements it seems like companies are joining forces across the board for the greater good. Given that â€Å"joining forces†is the commonly used phrase of the moment; it is interesting to see that Genii have made several moves to grow through such means. The latest news emerging from the company is that they will work with Omega Gaming going forward in what looks to cap two months of relentless corporate expansion. The Latest Addition What the new agreement with Omega Gaming represents for Genii is the seventh major deal that the company has signed-off on in the past two months. Growth is something that the company has sought out aggressively as of late, with the company riding an unheralded wave of momentum. Omega Games may not rank as the largest of the company’s latest deals, but it will still see over 130 online casino games be added to the Genii ranks. This will include the incorporation of the revolutionary and increasingly popular Spin16 product series. Omega Gaming joins the likes of TAIN, Dukes, Starfish Media, Altenar, Iforium, LeoVegas, and Gaming Innovation Group in signing a deal with Genii. Boosting the Omega Core System The Omega
Thursday, May 14, 2020
How to Study for a Law School Exam
In most instances, your grade in a course will depend entirely on one law school exam. If that sounds like a lot of pressure, well, quite frankly, it is, but theres good news! Some people in your class have to get As, so you might as well be one of them. The following five steps will help you ace any law school exam: Difficulty: Hard Time Required: Three months Heres How: Study all semester long.Be a diligent student throughout the semester by doing all the assigned reading, taking great notes, reviewing them after each week, and participating in class discussions. Law professors love to talk about seeing the forest for the trees; at this point you should focus on those trees, the main concepts your professor is covering. You can place them in the forest later.Join a study group.A great way to be sure youre understanding key concepts throughout the semester is to go over the readings and lectures with other law students. Through study groups, you can prepare for future classes by discussing assignments and fill in gaps in your notes from past lectures. It may take you a little while to find fellow students you click with, but its worth the effort. Not only will you be more prepared for the exam, youll also get used to talking out loud about cases and concepts--particularly great if your professor uses the Socratic Method.Outline.Leading up to the read ing period, you should have a good grasp of major concepts, so now its time to pull them all together into the forest, if you will, in course outlines. Organize your outline based on the syllabus or your casebooks table of contents and fill in blanks with information from your notes. If you dont want to leave this until just before the exam, do it gradually throughout the semester; start a document with the major concepts, leaving large blank areas that you can fill in with information as you review it from your notes at the end of each week.Use past exams of professors to prepare.Many professors put past exams (sometimes with model answers) on file in the library; if your professor does so, be sure to take advantage. Past exams tell you what your professor considers the most important concepts in the course, and if a sample answer is included, be sure to study the format and copy it as best you can when you attempt other practice questions. If your professor offers review sessions or office hours, be sure to come prepared with a good understanding of past exams, which are also great for study group discussion.Improve your test-taking skills by learning from your past exams.If youve already been through a semester or more of law school exams, one of the best ways to improve your performance is by studying your past performances. If you can get copies of your exams, look at your answers and the model answers carefully. Note where you lost points, where you did the best, and also think back to how and when you prepared--what worked and what may have been a waste of your time. Also be sure to analyze your exam-taking techniques as well, for example, did you use your time wisely during the test? What You Need: CasebookNotesOutlineTime
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Functions of Geography Throughout the Time Periods of...
Geography is the one discipline that throughout history has served many functions. Function like where to get resources, take a trip., find new places and function its served during different eras throughout history Furthermore three of geography most important function thought out history is the purposes it served during the eras of Roman, Greek, Chinese, Islamic and early modern Europe. The important purposes of geography through these ages and the benefit geography got from European Imperialism. During the era of the Greek the purpose geography served was to understand the three disciplines of geography that helped the Greek to understand the world and how the term geography came about. As described in the book the place†¦show more content†¦As told in the book, the place of geography as Strabo work has helped us in Bunbury words (1879:II.209) word (as cited in Unwin, p.51) as â€Å"for the first time to obtain a complete and satisfactory of the state of geography scien ce†. Subsequently Strabo works on formal geography was he wrote an encyclopedia of seventeen books. This relates to certain sub fields of geography from geography science to political science to topography geography and so on. furthermore in complete contrast to Strabo all round version of geography, Ptolemy geography are described in his opening chapter as â€Å" an imitativedelineation of that part of that part of the earth comprehended within our knowledge as a whole ,with its part roughly (lit generally apprehended’( Rylands 1893: 18) as cited in Unwin (p.53). Ptolemy book was different from Strabo as it was an atlas as he describe the globe on a level surface and divided continent into smaller localities and used longitude and latitude to tell where places are. This purpose was important as the Romans allowed us to see the history of geography from a bygone era as they kept the only written records influenced by Greek works(which no longer exist) and have survived to the present day. 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