Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Contrast Horses essays
Complexity Horses articles Ponies have been a significant and persuasive piece of North American what's more, European history. In his book, Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Extension of Europe, Alfred W. Crosby contends that ponies assisted with bringing about European's fruitful colonization of various mild districts for example, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and a few pieces of South America. He contends that the significant accomplishment of ponies in these districts come about because of the filling of a void organic specialty, and that the appearance of ponies on the fields in North America brought about significant changes in the lives of North American Indians. In his article, The Rise furthermore, Fall of Plains Indian Horse Cultures, Pekka Hmlinen contends that the basic view that ponies carried accomplishment to Native Americans is on a very basic level misrepresented. He proposes that the normal spotlight on as it were the fruitful consolidation of ponies by the Lakota individuals has contorted current comprehension of fields history, and darkens the harming effect of the appearance of ponies on local American culture and biology. In Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, Crosby contends science had a huge impact in the way that Europeans uprooted the local individuals of numerous mild zones on the planet (counting North America, New Zealand, calm South America and Australia). While the accomplishment of European colonialism is regularly thought to originate from military may, and trend setting innovations, it very well may be better clarified by other factors, notes Crosby. Basically, Crosby contends that the local science of these vanquished calm spots (counting people) was not prepared to manage European intruders. European sicknesses like smallpox destroyed local populaces, and European weeds and horticulture brought huge scope By and large, the creatures, weeds, and sicknesses that Europeans brought to the New Wor... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Tattoos. Cultures that Use Tattoo and Methods of Tattooing Research Paper
Tattoos. Societies that Use Tattoo and Methods of Tattooing - Research Paper Example Albeit normally considered by some as a minor method of embellishing one’s body with the ordinary winged serpent or butterfly, tattoos are viewed as an outlet of innovativeness and a vehicle of articulation by the individuals who genuinely comprehend and acknowledge craftsmanship. While tattoos regularly appear to convey negative relationship as the pictures of groups of extreme biker young men, and their wanton lady friends ring a bell as you consider such body improvement, they are additionally considered extraordinarily important and huge by different societies. The individuals of Thailand view getting tattoos as a strict custom and they are regularly used to outline blessed images like tigers, sanctuaries, or refrains from sacrosanct petitions. As opposed to this, the Japanese culture utilized tattoos to mark lawbreakers for all time, which worked like an open presentation of one’s acts. Thus, in Germany too, inking detainees with sequential numbers implied making i t simpler to distinguish them. Such utilization of inking clarifies why tattoos are related with criminals and mafia men. Then again, in any case, a few Germans have likewise recovered the status of inking to that of a type of a body craftsmanship by utilizing women’s bodies as their canvases to beautify and subsequently show their imaginative gifts. Local clans of the Polynesian Islands over the Pacific Ocean have made this a stride further as they view inking as a portrayal of one’s social remaining, as they utilize tattoos to delineate ancestry, rank in the public arena and sexuality (Wianecki, 2011). In Western societies, as should be obvious on the TV, the tattoo culture is extraordinarily predominant, since various Hollywood on-screen characters like Eva Longoria, Megan Fox, and Ben Affleck, among others, are seen flaunting their tattoos on their lower backs, necks, lower legs and different other body parts. Likewise, the tattoo culture is on the ascent and has r eally become a wrath as symbols, for example, Avril Lavigne and David Beckham decide to show their uniqueness through a small tattoo on the wrist, or through huge ones on the back and arms (Mifflin, 1997). As these famous people are turned upward to by gigantic fan followings, which immediately impersonate their preferred symbols, the inked masses on the planet has expanded enormously. As distributed by the Daily News in Los Angeles, â€Å"Credible measurements on the quantity of individuals with tattoos are really difficult to track down. Yet, in 2006, the Pew Research Center expressed that 36 percent of Americans ages 18-25, 40 percent of those 26-40 and 10 percent of individuals 41-64 have tattoos†(Auerbach, 2011). It is sheltered to state that the numbers have just been on the ascent from that point forward. Strategies Recently, inking has likewise gotten progressively well known for being instrumental as a technique for plastic medical procedure for areola remaking (Ast on, 2009). The most widely recognized apparatus utilized for inking is an electrically fueled tattoo machine that utilizes a needle or gathering of needles to bore ineradicable ink onto the skin so as to improve the body for all time with a tattoo. After this excruciating technique is embraced, the tattoo turns into a piece of a person’s clothing just as his/her character, and is flaunted as a style proclamation, or an image of something one has faith in, or, as on account of some Indian entertainers like Deepika Padukone, even an image of adoration for one’s accomplice. This helpful technique for inking with a drill-like machine, notwithstanding, has been found as of late. Since inking had begun far back, when innovation was not as cutting edge, different techniques were under usage to cause shading to enter into the skin. In some ancestral societies, structures are cut into the skin and ink scouring cause shading. In others,
Friday, August 21, 2020
Toilet @ MIT
Toilet @ MIT Friday evening, after getting one of the more interesting emails of this semester, I sat down with Benjamin Schreck, MIT senior and creative mind behind the Ben Schreck Shits wall calendar, which this year will feature idyllic MIT locations including the Infinite Corridor, Killian Court (with a view of the Great Dome), a lecture hall, an MIT professors office, a reading room where people study, and a sailboat on the Charles River. Why? Its a fun art project. Its tradition at this point, and getting bigger every year (this year is the third). Plus it makes people laugh, and were donating 50% of the profits to Doctors Without Borders. Is this the first year youre doing it on Kickstarter? Yeah. In the beginning it was basically my moneyâ€"my mom actually chipped in a bit. The first year was just one calendar, for my friends birthday. The year after, back home in LA, we were talking about how we wanted to one-up it. The next day, he found a toilet on the street a block away from his house. So we decided to clean up the toilet, which was also a photoshoot on its own, with hazmat suits he had lying around in his garage. Another friend joined us with a nice Nikon DSLR, and we drove around LA with the intention of making it a calendar. It took us one year before it was released. Before that, in February or March my sophomore year, we applied to the McCormick art gallery. One of the shots got into the exhibit, and it was featured in McCormick Hall for about six months. At that point I decided I wanted to expand the idea and manufacture a bunch of calendars to sell. Is it the same toilet this year? Unfortunately no. The toilet from last year was broken into two pieces, and broke even more during the shoot. Also its back in Los Angeles in a dumpster somewhere. The new toilet is a fresh one from Home Depot. We upgraded from trash toilet to lowest price tier at Home Depot toilet. So did you shoot initially with a toilet broken in two? Yes. You couldnt tell in the photos. There was a crack in the tank. If you look closely you would notice, but otherwise its not visible. We had two people carry it to the shoot, which I guess made it lighter. What were the challenges this time around, especially with a whole toilet? The biggest challenge this year was working with a whole team, more professionally. Its a bigger operation now, and because we have a real professional photographer, he takes more time at each photoshoot. How far in the shooting process are you? Weve done five or sixâ€"about halfway done. Is it cold, sitting on a toilet outside? Um. Yes. Whats your favorite part? I like the surprise when I tell people Im doing a calendar called Ben Schreck Shits, and then seeing them laugh when they realize its a real thing. Anything else? Im working with my roommate to bring Lil B to campus to give a lecture next week, and Im trying to get him to be in the one of the photos. (He doesnt know this yet.) So be on the lookout for that. So who are you? What major? What are your interests? Im course 6, the 6-2 variant, which means I do both hardware and software. Im really interested in entrepreneurship and music, and I was working in an early stage music startup over the summer, called TapTape, and Im also a pole vaulter on the track team. What other hobbies do you have, here at MIT? I mentioned music. I play guitar. Im also in a fraternity. Pole vaulting takes up pretty much all my time. What classes are you taking this semester? 6.111 (Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory), 6.175 (Constructive Computer Architecture), 6.UAT (Oral Communication), 15.370 (Building an Entrepreneurial Venture: Advanced Tools and Techniques), and 21M.359 (The Harmonic Archive: Music, Sound and Installation Art as Artistic Research). Whats your favorite? Im torn between 6.111 and 6.175. They use similar principles to do slightly different things. I really like learning about how big, complex hardware systems work, and especially the fact that I get to build those systems on my own. What are you thinking about doing after MIT? Im going to do the MEng program next year. Currently Im trying to find a project and an advisor. Other than that, Im still trying to figure it out. Im pretty sure I dont want to work for a big company. Will the calendar project continue? Yes. Its going global next yearâ€"or at least national, but hopefully global, with the idea of shooting in a different country each year. The longterm goal: lets put a Ben Schreck Shits calendar in the Mars One project. What advice do you have for prefrosh? Dont be afraid to deviate from the standard MIT technological path that seems like what everyone else is doing. Feel free to explore other parts of your personality, because youre going to get enough of the technical side in your classes. We then went to a hallway in the Z Center, Ben wheeled this years toilet out of the bathroom where it lives on a skateboard, and I took pictures. The calendar is currently being shot around campus and is raising money through Kickstarter. If youd like one, you can secure a copy through the Kickstarter. You can also donate directly to Doctors Without Borders. Here is last years August photo, the one that was featured in the McCormick Hall art gallery:
Toilet @ MIT
Toilet @ MIT Friday evening, after getting one of the more interesting emails of this semester, I sat down with Benjamin Schreck, MIT senior and creative mind behind the Ben Schreck Shits wall calendar, which this year will feature idyllic MIT locations including the Infinite Corridor, Killian Court (with a view of the Great Dome), a lecture hall, an MIT professors office, a reading room where people study, and a sailboat on the Charles River. Why? Its a fun art project. Its tradition at this point, and getting bigger every year (this year is the third). Plus it makes people laugh, and were donating 50% of the profits to Doctors Without Borders. Is this the first year youre doing it on Kickstarter? Yeah. In the beginning it was basically my moneyâ€"my mom actually chipped in a bit. The first year was just one calendar, for my friends birthday. The year after, back home in LA, we were talking about how we wanted to one-up it. The next day, he found a toilet on the street a block away from his house. So we decided to clean up the toilet, which was also a photoshoot on its own, with hazmat suits he had lying around in his garage. Another friend joined us with a nice Nikon DSLR, and we drove around LA with the intention of making it a calendar. It took us one year before it was released. Before that, in February or March my sophomore year, we applied to the McCormick art gallery. One of the shots got into the exhibit, and it was featured in McCormick Hall for about six months. At that point I decided I wanted to expand the idea and manufacture a bunch of calendars to sell. Is it the same toilet this year? Unfortunately no. The toilet from last year was broken into two pieces, and broke even more during the shoot. Also its back in Los Angeles in a dumpster somewhere. The new toilet is a fresh one from Home Depot. We upgraded from trash toilet to lowest price tier at Home Depot toilet. So did you shoot initially with a toilet broken in two? Yes. You couldnt tell in the photos. There was a crack in the tank. If you look closely you would notice, but otherwise its not visible. We had two people carry it to the shoot, which I guess made it lighter. What were the challenges this time around, especially with a whole toilet? The biggest challenge this year was working with a whole team, more professionally. Its a bigger operation now, and because we have a real professional photographer, he takes more time at each photoshoot. How far in the shooting process are you? Weve done five or sixâ€"about halfway done. Is it cold, sitting on a toilet outside? Um. Yes. Whats your favorite part? I like the surprise when I tell people Im doing a calendar called Ben Schreck Shits, and then seeing them laugh when they realize its a real thing. Anything else? Im working with my roommate to bring Lil B to campus to give a lecture next week, and Im trying to get him to be in the one of the photos. (He doesnt know this yet.) So be on the lookout for that. So who are you? What major? What are your interests? Im course 6, the 6-2 variant, which means I do both hardware and software. Im really interested in entrepreneurship and music, and I was working in an early stage music startup over the summer, called TapTape, and Im also a pole vaulter on the track team. What other hobbies do you have, here at MIT? I mentioned music. I play guitar. Im also in a fraternity. Pole vaulting takes up pretty much all my time. What classes are you taking this semester? 6.111 (Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory), 6.175 (Constructive Computer Architecture), 6.UAT (Oral Communication), 15.370 (Building an Entrepreneurial Venture: Advanced Tools and Techniques), and 21M.359 (The Harmonic Archive: Music, Sound and Installation Art as Artistic Research). Whats your favorite? Im torn between 6.111 and 6.175. They use similar principles to do slightly different things. I really like learning about how big, complex hardware systems work, and especially the fact that I get to build those systems on my own. What are you thinking about doing after MIT? Im going to do the MEng program next year. Currently Im trying to find a project and an advisor. Other than that, Im still trying to figure it out. Im pretty sure I dont want to work for a big company. Will the calendar project continue? Yes. Its going global next yearâ€"or at least national, but hopefully global, with the idea of shooting in a different country each year. The longterm goal: lets put a Ben Schreck Shits calendar in the Mars One project. What advice do you have for prefrosh? Dont be afraid to deviate from the standard MIT technological path that seems like what everyone else is doing. Feel free to explore other parts of your personality, because youre going to get enough of the technical side in your classes. We then went to a hallway in the Z Center, Ben wheeled this years toilet out of the bathroom where it lives on a skateboard, and I took pictures. The calendar is currently being shot around campus and is raising money through Kickstarter. If youd like one, you can secure a copy through the Kickstarter. You can also donate directly to Doctors Without Borders. Here is last years August photo, the one that was featured in the McCormick Hall art gallery:
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Case Study Omega And Genii - 1733 Words
Blog 16 - Omega and Genii come to terms for new working agreement The online casino industry is the midst of a growth spurt during 2015. It seems that operators and developers around the world are looking for ways to growth their businesses, getting a leg up on the competition in the process. Through takeovers, mergers, and working agreements it seems like companies are joining forces across the board for the greater good. Given that â€Å"joining forces†is the commonly used phrase of the moment; it is interesting to see that Genii have made several moves to grow through such means. The latest news emerging from the company is that they will work with Omega Gaming going forward in what looks to cap two months of relentless corporate expansion. The Latest Addition What the new agreement with Omega Gaming represents for Genii is the seventh major deal that the company has signed-off on in the past two months. Growth is something that the company has sought out aggressively as of late, with the company riding an unheralded wave of momentum. Omega Games may not rank as the largest of the company’s latest deals, but it will still see over 130 online casino games be added to the Genii ranks. This will include the incorporation of the revolutionary and increasingly popular Spin16 product series. Omega Gaming joins the likes of TAIN, Dukes, Starfish Media, Altenar, Iforium, LeoVegas, and Gaming Innovation Group in signing a deal with Genii. Boosting the Omega Core System The Omega
Thursday, May 14, 2020
How to Study for a Law School Exam
In most instances, your grade in a course will depend entirely on one law school exam. If that sounds like a lot of pressure, well, quite frankly, it is, but theres good news! Some people in your class have to get As, so you might as well be one of them. The following five steps will help you ace any law school exam: Difficulty: Hard Time Required: Three months Heres How: Study all semester long.Be a diligent student throughout the semester by doing all the assigned reading, taking great notes, reviewing them after each week, and participating in class discussions. Law professors love to talk about seeing the forest for the trees; at this point you should focus on those trees, the main concepts your professor is covering. You can place them in the forest later.Join a study group.A great way to be sure youre understanding key concepts throughout the semester is to go over the readings and lectures with other law students. Through study groups, you can prepare for future classes by discussing assignments and fill in gaps in your notes from past lectures. It may take you a little while to find fellow students you click with, but its worth the effort. Not only will you be more prepared for the exam, youll also get used to talking out loud about cases and concepts--particularly great if your professor uses the Socratic Method.Outline.Leading up to the read ing period, you should have a good grasp of major concepts, so now its time to pull them all together into the forest, if you will, in course outlines. Organize your outline based on the syllabus or your casebooks table of contents and fill in blanks with information from your notes. If you dont want to leave this until just before the exam, do it gradually throughout the semester; start a document with the major concepts, leaving large blank areas that you can fill in with information as you review it from your notes at the end of each week.Use past exams of professors to prepare.Many professors put past exams (sometimes with model answers) on file in the library; if your professor does so, be sure to take advantage. Past exams tell you what your professor considers the most important concepts in the course, and if a sample answer is included, be sure to study the format and copy it as best you can when you attempt other practice questions. If your professor offers review sessions or office hours, be sure to come prepared with a good understanding of past exams, which are also great for study group discussion.Improve your test-taking skills by learning from your past exams.If youve already been through a semester or more of law school exams, one of the best ways to improve your performance is by studying your past performances. If you can get copies of your exams, look at your answers and the model answers carefully. Note where you lost points, where you did the best, and also think back to how and when you prepared--what worked and what may have been a waste of your time. Also be sure to analyze your exam-taking techniques as well, for example, did you use your time wisely during the test? What You Need: CasebookNotesOutlineTime
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Functions of Geography Throughout the Time Periods of...
Geography is the one discipline that throughout history has served many functions. Function like where to get resources, take a trip., find new places and function its served during different eras throughout history Furthermore three of geography most important function thought out history is the purposes it served during the eras of Roman, Greek, Chinese, Islamic and early modern Europe. The important purposes of geography through these ages and the benefit geography got from European Imperialism. During the era of the Greek the purpose geography served was to understand the three disciplines of geography that helped the Greek to understand the world and how the term geography came about. As described in the book the place†¦show more content†¦As told in the book, the place of geography as Strabo work has helped us in Bunbury words (1879:II.209) word (as cited in Unwin, p.51) as â€Å"for the first time to obtain a complete and satisfactory of the state of geography scien ce†. Subsequently Strabo works on formal geography was he wrote an encyclopedia of seventeen books. This relates to certain sub fields of geography from geography science to political science to topography geography and so on. furthermore in complete contrast to Strabo all round version of geography, Ptolemy geography are described in his opening chapter as â€Å" an imitativedelineation of that part of that part of the earth comprehended within our knowledge as a whole ,with its part roughly (lit generally apprehended’( Rylands 1893: 18) as cited in Unwin (p.53). Ptolemy book was different from Strabo as it was an atlas as he describe the globe on a level surface and divided continent into smaller localities and used longitude and latitude to tell where places are. This purpose was important as the Romans allowed us to see the history of geography from a bygone era as they kept the only written records influenced by Greek works(which no longer exist) and have survived to the present day. TheShow MoreRelatedFemale Mathematicians Essay1686 Words  | 7 Pages Throughout history, women have been looked down upon and seen as insubordinate and incapable. Women were never viewed as equal to men until about the 1950s. History will also tell us that men dominated the mathematical scene and have made the biggest contributions in that field, yet this does not seem to be the case. Women have had just as big an impact on math as men have, if not a bigger contribution.They still continue to rock the mathematical world today. Various women such as Hypatia fromRead MoreThe Opportunity For Travel Anytime Of The Year1052 Words  | 5 Pageseducational tool, which could be even more rewarding than a formal educational setting. A text should be used as a reference only when learning your state history. Traveling and stopping at famous landmarks is the most efficient and worthwhile way to learn about your state. 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Shaky foundationsRead MoreComparison and contrast of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley1508 Words  | 7 PagesMesopotamia and the Indus Valley civilizations have long been compared throughout history and were both some of the earliest civilizations in the world. Mesopotamia, also known as, the land between the rivers, was named for the triangular area between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. This area has been extended and now covers modern day Iraq, adding ancient Assyria and Babylonia to that land. The Indus civilization is often referred to as the Harappan civilization from the first city discoveredRead MoreBenefits Of A Teacher Training For Future Candidates Essay933 Words  | 4 PagesEducation is free for everyone in Canada up until post-secondary, and it is a significant aspect of children’s lives. Therefore, it is critical to have responsible educators throughout the years they are in school to teach them to can give back to the society. 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According to Emily Teeter and Douglas Brewer, authors of Egypt and the Egyptian, â€Å"In Egypt, religion and life were so interwoven that it would have been impossible to be agnostic†. Even discoveries in the fields of astronomy, medicine, geography, and art were all drawn from religious beliefs. They used their beliefs to construct explanations for everyday events beyond their understanding, such as the rising and setting of the sun and the notion of death which was represented by, â€Å"the sunRead MoreStrategic Alliances: An Explicit and Implicit Understanding of the Formation of the Fuji Xerox Joint Venture1484 Words  | 6 PagesRunning Head: Strategic Alliances Strategic Alliances Strategic Alliances Explicit Implicit understanding at the time of formation of the XEROX-FUJI-XEROX joint venture Establishment of Fuji Xerox: Fuji Xerox was the result of a joint venture between the American company Xerox and the Japanese company Fuji. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sparta 3 Essay Research Paper SpartaSparta one free essay sample
Sparta 3 Essay, Research Paper Sparta Sparta, one of the powerful city states, retains this name for good grounds. The Spartans faced the jobs of overpopulation and land hungriness. Their solution was to conquest to derive more land. Almost defeated, the Messenian war cost Sparta a high monetary value. A half-century of war, so difficult fought, had ground the military life deep into Spartan consciousness. It seemed to them they neer dare relax, particularly when there were so few Spartans and so many serfs. Surely if the Spartans of all time relaxed, even somewhat, the serfs would lift at one time. To supply for their economic needs the Spartans divided the land of Messenia among all citizens. Helots worked the land, raised harvests, provided the Spartans their life, and on occasion served in the ground forces. The Spartans kept the serfs in line by agencies of systematic terrorist act, trusting to crush them down and maintain so quiet. This is how the state of affairs stood for Sparta at the terminal of the Messenian Revolt. Controling the district of a population that outnumbered their population ten to one, it was merely a affair of clip before the Messenian population would over-run their vanquishers. So the Spartans invented a new political system as dramatically radical as Athenian democracy in the North ; they turned their province into a military province. Contending was non a trade for doormats as the Spartans practiced it. For that ground, the Spartans dedicated their lives to warfare. Spartan childs were inspected at birth to see if they were physically sound. If they were non, they were abandoned in the hills and left to decease. At the age of seven, they were taken from their female parents and were brought up in barracks. They were taught to digest cold, hungriness and hurting without ailment. At 20, after 13 old ages of preparation, the Spartan became a soldier. The Spartan soldier spent his life with his fellow soldiers. The soldier was allowed to be married, but did non populate with his married woman. They lived in the barracks until age 30. Military service ended at the age of 60. The life of a Spartan male was a life of subject, self-denial, and simpleness. The Spartans viewed themselves as the true heirs of the Grecian tradition. They did non environ themselves with luxuries, expensive nutrients, or chances for leisure. While the Athenians and many others thought the Spartans were insane, the life of the Spartans seemed to return to a more basic manner of life. Civilization was frequently seen as conveying upset, failing, and diminution in moral values. This soldier-centered province was the most broad province in respects to the position of adult females. While adult females did non travel through military preparation, they were required to be educated along similar lines. The Spartans were the lone Greeks non merely to take earnestly the instruction of adult females, they instituted it as province policy. This was non, nevertheless, an academic instruction, it was physical instruction, which would be grueling. Infant misss were besides exposed to decease if they were judged to be weak ; they were subsequently capable to physical and gymnastic exercises developing. This instruction besides involved learning adult females that their lives should be dedicated to the province. In the most Grecian provinces, adult females were required to remain indoors at all times. Spartan adult females, nevertheless, were free to travel approximately, and had an unusual sum of domestic freedom for their hubbies, after all, didn T live at place. Spartan authorities consisted of three parts: The male monarchs, the senate or council and the assembly. The two male monarchs had the right of commanding, the ground forces in war. The senate of council consisted of the two male monarchs, and 28 other work forces elected for life. The responsibilities of the senate were to fix all the Torahs and affairs of public involvement, which were to be brought before the general assembly and it acted as a tribunal of justness for condemnable instances. Every Spartan citizen over 30 old ages old was a member of the assembly. It was their occupation to give or deny blessing of all affairs brought before them by the senate. Above all three parts, nevertheless was a group of five work forces known as the Ephorate. For all practical intents, Spartan authorities was the Ephorate, for these five work forces lead the council, ran the military, ran the educational system, ran the baby choice system, and had veto power over everything coming out of the council or the assembly. Spartan society was divided into three chief categories. At the top was the Spartiate or native Spartan. The Spartiate served in the ground forces and were the lone people who enjoyed the full political and legal rights of the province. Following were the perioeci, or the inhabitants around or about. These people served as a sort of buffer population between the Spartans and serfs. Because of this critical map, they were given a great trade of freedom. Most of the trade and commercialism carried out in Sparta was performed by the perioeci. At the underside, of class, were the serfs. The Spartans enjoyed an outstanding repute for personal morality, frugalness, boldness, and bravery. They produced no historiographers ; they were neurotically close ; they were so scared of rebellion that they allowed young persons or magistrates to kill serfs randomly. But what foreigners admired was their professionalism, direct address, and nonpareil subject. 318
Friday, April 3, 2020
Vietnamese And Pakistani Culture Essays - Divorce, Types Of Marriage
Vietnamese And Pakistani Culture Vietnamese Vs. Pakistani What is culture? Culture is set of learned behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values, and ideas that are characteristic of a particular society or population. In this paper, I will compare and contrast Pakistani and Vietnamese culture. Furthermore, I will discuss what I have learned from this exercise. In Vietnam traditional role of the woman in society has been that of nurturer: to stay within the confines of the home for the purpose of caring for the family. In Pakistan and Vietnam women are raised and taught how to become good daughters, wives, and mothers. They are told that they must obey their husbands, respect their parents and their parents-in-law, and work hard to support the family. In Vietnam parents does not prefer their daughters to go to school or work in a position that is normally occupied by a man. Most of the women do not work. They stay home and look after their family. In Pakistan most of waves and daughters stay out of sight of other men because of the religion strictness. Pakistani women stay in the house, behind the veil, in special sections of buses, and in the family area of the restaurants. For Pakistani Muslims this is the way to show respect and devotion towards women. Pakistani does believe in education for their daughters and sons. However, sons get th e first priority and higher education. Also girls must go to separate school from boys until she will reach University, which is 4 year in college. In other words, until she is engaged and mature enough not to fall in love with someone her parents restrict. In Vietnamese and in Pakistani culture, their older siblings arrange marriages. Marriage is more like compromise, which is made between two families. But as the time has changed girls are not forced to marry however when girl is the one to choose she will pick her companion base on love and family agreement. When parents choose a guy for their daughter it's usually the best offer which means that guy is educated, have stable future, and wealthy. But when girl is being picked parents want to have healthy, hard working daughter-in-law, who would take care of their family's welfare. A likely scenario under these circumstances is a marriage between a 17 years old girl and a 7-year-old boy. When that husband reaches adulthood, he would realize that his wife might be too old for him; and he would be entitled to take a younger girl as his second wife. Polygamy was accepted in Vietnam but remarriage for the wife is not allowed since, faithfulness to her first husband is required. Thus the first wife, being restricted by the old custom, must remain a lonely slave with her husband's family until her death. In Pakistani culture woman has no saying in any aspect of her life, including her own marriage, and when betrothed, belongs excessively to her husband's family. When guy's parents look for a mate for their son not that she has to be beautiful and well-mannered girl but also who will bring great amount of dowry. To all extents and purposes she is an alienable property, and once the bride price has been paid, she cannot be returned, whether in a state of divorce, separation or widowed. In both cultures girls must obey her in laws in order to gain respect in h er husband's house. In Vietnam and in Pakistan family is very important. They have joint family system. After the marriage daughters move out of the house however sons stay with their parents atlongest they can. Family size in Vietnam is fairly large. Back in the days 12-16 was normal family size. However, as poverty and population has increased so the family size has decreased to 3-4. On other hand side, in Pakistan typical family size is about 3-5. In Pakistan and in Vietnam parents prefer to have sons than daughters. In both cultures Parents expect their children to be perfect and obedience. Therefore, strict physical punishment is used for discipline. Parents are usually very hard and strict on girls however they are flexible when it comes to boys. Parents are more protective about daughters and they expect girls
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Brigadier General Adolph von Steinwehin the Civil War
Brigadier General Adolph von Steinwehin the Civil War Adolph von Steinwehr - Early Life: Born at Blankenburg, Brunswick (Germany) on September 25, 1822, Adolph von Steinwehr was a member of a long-standing military family. Following in these footsteps, which included a grandfather who had fought in the Napoleonic Wars, Steinwehr entered the Brunswick Military Academy. Graduating in 1841, he received a commission as a lieutenant in the Brunswick Army. Serving for six years, Steinwehr grew dissatisfied and elected to move to the United States in 1847. Arriving at Mobile, AL, he found employment as an engineer with the US Coastal Survey. As the the Mexican-American War was underway, Steinwehr sought a position with a combat unit but was declined. Disappointed, decided to return to Brunswick two years later with his American-born wife, Florence Mary. Adolph von Steinwehr - The Civil War Begins: Again finding life in Germany not to his liking, Steinwehr permanently immigrated to the United States in 1854. Initially settling in Wallingford, CT, he later moved to a farm in New York. Active in the German-America community, Steinwehr proved well-placed to raise a largely German regiment when the Civil War began in April 1861. Organizing the 29th New York Volunteer Infantry, he was commissioned as the regiments colonel in June. Reporting to Washington, DC that summer, Steinwehrs regiment was assigned to Colonel Dixon S. Miles division in Brigadier General Irvin McDowells Army of Northeastern Virginia. In this assignment, his men took part in the Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21. Held in reserve during much of the fighting, the regiment later helped cover the Union retreat.  Noted as a competent officer, Steinwehr received a promotion to brigadier general on October 12 and orders to assumed command of a brigade in Brigadier General Louis Blenkers division in the Army of the Potomac. This assignment proved short-lived as the Blenkers division was soon transferred to western Virginia for service in Major General John C. Frà ©monts Mountain Department. In the spring of 1862, Steinwehrs men took part in operations against Major General Thomas Stonewall Jacksons forces in the Shenandoah Valley. This saw them defeated at Cross Keys on June 8. Later in the month, Steinwehrs men were moved east to help form Major General Franz Sigels I Corps of Major General John Popes Army of Virginia. In this new formation, he was elevated to lead the Second Division.    Adolph von Steinwehr - Divisional Command: In late August, Steinwehrs division was present at the Second Battle of Manassas though was not heavily engaged.  Following the Union defeat, Sigels corps was ordered to remain outside of Washington, DC while the bulk of the Army of the Potomac moved north in pursuit of General Robert E. Lees Army of Northern Virginia.  As a result, it missed the Battle of South Mountain and Antietam.  During this time, Sigels force was re-designated XI Corps.  Later that fall, Steinwehrs division moved south to join the army outside Fredericksburg, but played no role in the battle.  The following February, following Major General Joseph Hookers ascent to lead the army, Sigel left XI Corps and was replaced by Major General Oliver O. Howard. Returning to combat in May, Steinwehrs division and the rest of XI Corps were badly routed by Jackson during the Battle of Chancellorsville.  Despite this, Steinwehrs personal performance was commended by his fellow Union officers.  As Lee moved north invade Pennsylvania in June, XI Corps followed in pursuit.  Arriving at the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1, Howard directed Steinwehrs division to remain in reserve on Cemetery Hill while he deployed the rest of the corps north of town in support of the late Major General John F. Reynolds I Corps.  Later in the day, XI Corps collapsed under Confederate assaults leading the entire Union line to fall back on Steinwehrs position.  The next day, Steinwehrs men aided in repelling enemy attacks against East Cemetery Hill.  Adolph von Steinwehr- In the West: Late that September, the bulk of XI Corps along with elements of XII Corps, received orders to shift west to Tennessee.  Led by Hooker, this combined force moved to relieve the besieged Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga. On October 28-29, Steinwehrs men fought well in the Union victory at the Battle of Wauhatchie. The following month, one of his brigades, led by Colonel Adolphus Buschbeck, supported Major General William T. Sherman during the Battle of Chattanooga. Retaining leadership of his division through the winter, Steinwehr was dismayed when XI Corps and XII Corps were combined in April 1864. As part of this reorganization, he lost his command as the two formations were consolidated. Offered command of a brigade, Steinwehr refused to accept a tacit demotion and instead spent the rest of the war in staff and garrison posts. Adolph von Steinwehr - Later Life: Leaving the US Army on July 3, 1865, Steinwehr worked as a geographer before accepting a teaching post at Yale University. A gifted cartographer, he produced a variety of maps and atlases over the next several years as well as authored numerous books. Moving between Washington and Cincinnati later in his life, Steinwehr died at Buffalo on February 25, 1877. His remains were interred at Albany Rural Cemetery in Menands, NY.     Selected Sources Find a Grave: Adolph von SteinwehrOfficial Records: Adolph von Steinwehr
Friday, February 21, 2020
Concert Attendance Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Concert Attendance Report - Assignment Example There were also some brass, trumpets and horns. Additionally, there was a solo violist who had high level professional performing abilities. Such full symphonic orchestra included the four music families which were the strings, Brass, woodwinds, and percussion instruments. The performance setting was in an auditorium and the conductor including other performers were dressed in formal outfit, considered mostly to be black and white suites and dresses. Style of the music music performed was led gracefully with dulcet andantes and fierce prestos. A violin with a very light and brilliant quality of sound was used, the sound created images of the ethereal realm within audience minds. The violinist had a very bright and lighthearted personality, the very characteristic of a violin which revealed their interest. Instrumentation of the Ochestra The musicians were divided into four main sections which included; string section, the woodwind section, the brass section, and the percussion sectio n. Each section had their own instruments, in the string section, woodwind, brass section were pitched in different ranges such as voices in a choir. Various instruments in each section were arranged in order from those with highest range to lowest. Some percussion instruments were also tuned to definite pitches, but most of them had indefinite pitch. Sitting Arrangement Usually first meeting with strangers does not always involve openness to each other, which is a different case to those we are familiar with. Occasions of openness to one another is often preceded by getting deeper information concerning the other party, which can be through social settings. Such encounter reveals both acceptable and unacceptable information about oneself which determines kind of relationship developed. Research done on musical instruments and ways of improving the existing policies in concerts discovered that the national policy recognizes the current settings infrastructure as poor and in need of improvement. The last five years have been characterized by rapid advancements in ICT and this call for research to assess the extent to which modern instruments are now used. The study also assessed the relationship between flexible work practices and organizational performances in a survey of sitting arrangement. The findings call for reinforcement on the relationship between various dimensions of flexible work practices and organizational performance. The recommendations which can be utilized here indicate a knowledge gap on the extent to which the modern technology is used. This lays a basis for such a study since none of the major studies carried out reveals much on the use of internet advertising through smart phones in third world countries. This study therefore seeks to fill the knowledge gap and look at the in-depth analysis of the role the phone industry plays through the internet in advertising and how effective it is especially in the rapidly growing telecommunications i ndustry that is experiencing tension in pricing mechanisms and the recent number portability wars among the players. There are several contributors involved in the practice of Corporate Social Responsibility within business environment. Business corporations play major roles within the society and these calls for new leadership roles and tactics which
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Insuring Green Buildings Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Insuring Green Buildings - Research Paper Example In most occasions, it is easy for the insurance companies to accept, underwrite and process the loss handling for the homeowner by automating or simplifying the damage. The focus here is usually to get the sum insured and process the policies effectively (Yudelson, 2006). Most the time those selling the homeowner policies, they insurer do not necessarily look at the different building material for construction in the building, the construction classes or the ecological standard of the building. This is because, in case of a loss or damage, there may occur a dispute between the insured and the insurer regarding the extent in which the damage must be indemnified (Glavinich, 2008). If there is a need for more specification concerning the building construction, the insurance company sends their agents to ask more specifications of the construction process. Although the insurance companies have their agents who researches on the construction process, the agents are advised not verify certain details which may lead the insured to decline the policy and sign the policy with other competitors that ask few questions. Up to now, no study has provided statistical evidence supporting the stance that â€Å"green buildings†have a higher probability and severity of losses. Perhaps the effort to analyze green buildings in detail is not yet justified, given the actual number of owners of green buildings; however, the green buildings are more risky and carry higher claim expectancy (Glavinich, 2008). Residential building insurance mainly provides insurance cover for losses arising from fire, supply water and storm/hail events. Loss experiences, and consequently exposure evaluation and rating of homeowner risks are based on conventionally built houses, concrete, brick, steel and wood (Spiegel & Meadows, 2012). For example, in houses with thatched reed roofs, the probability of a
Monday, January 27, 2020
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Case Study
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Case Study  Discussion Questions What inspired Skullcraft to pursue ERP even though the company had just 26 employees? Solution An Enterprise Resource Planning system is an integrated system which helps the organization to manage its resources; inventory, procurement, supply chain, finance, human resource etc. are few of the many resources an ERP helps to manage. Although, the company had just 26 employees, an ERP system will enhance the managing of resources which is not limited to just human resources. The following facts will justify the implementation of the ERP system: The company was rivalling Sony in the U.S. headphones market with sales of up to $37 million. The company had around 200 to 300 percent annual growth rate. The business had to handle large amounts of transactions. The finance department was using Excel spreadsheets and Quickbooks to manage the books. Wide distribution of products. No product tracking through supply chain till ERP was implemented. In a nutshell, Skullcraft was a small business with transactions comparable to a big enterprise. Thus managing resources was getting more and more complicated as the company grew in sales and investing in an ERP system will help the company manage its resources in a more efficient way. Moreover, as the ERP system was fully hosted, the company did not need to manage a separate ERP infrastructure which was a bonus for them. What features caused Skullcraft to choose SAPs ByDesign? Solution SAPs ByDesign was a unique system which fulfilled Skullcrafts each and every requirement. After evaluating many systems, Beth Siron chose ByDesign for the following reasons: SAPs ByDesign was a fully system hosted system meaning that it did not required additional information system infrastructure to be implemented by Skullcraft. The organization would use the ERP system over the internet which made it easy for each and every department to use it from anywhere. It enabled big business practices for managing financials, inventory, customer relations, supply chain etc. in a format accessible to small businesses. This was perfect a was the small enterprise with annual growth rate of 200 to 300 percent. It helped Skullcraft to track the products through the supply chain. The ERP system was enabled the company to forecast future demand. Thus, the software did everything a big companys Information System would do but without the additional infrastructure and a team to manage it. These features where perfect for Skullcraft which was a small firm with transactions equal to a large firm. Critical Thinking Questions How do you think Skullcraft was able to maintain a small staff while increasing production 200 to 300 percent annually? Solution Rick Alden saw a unique business opportunity in selling high-end radically designed headphones to Skiers and Skateboaders. The company was also the first one to enable users to switch between music listening and cell phone conversations over headphones. The reason behind the tremendous growth was the target market and distribution channel. The company first targeted specialty ski and skate shops and then later large retail chains. Specialty retail shops attracted large amounts of extreme sports fanatics which put Skullcraft on the map in the headphones industry. Even with just 26 employees, the company was effectively able to manage its operations specially production and distribution. It is not unusually for a company to have a tremendous growth rate with such a small workforce. If operations are effectively managed, growth can be increased without comparable investment in additional resources. The company may have had the production outsourced which makes sense as a small workforce cannot produce and maintain such large product demand. Moreover, the company could have arranged the goods to the picked up at the manufacturers workshop and dropped at the specialty retail stores. Thus by effectively managing the flow of goods, the company must have been able to increase its production up to 200 to 300 percent with just 26 employees. Do you think Skullcraft is unusual in its size and needs? What other businesses can you think of that fit the Skullcraft model? Solution No, Skullcraft is not unusual in its needs and size. It I common for a company to have a tremendous growth rate even with a small size. Many small business offer services to a large number of customers. Skullcrafts Rick Alden realized an exceptional business opportunity which became a huge success and helped the company experience a growth rate of 200 to 300 percent annually. Also, the company was able to effectively manage and integrate operations resulting in huge sales while maintaining a small human capital. Other businesses that fit the Skullcraft model are: IT firms like GoDaddy which provide domain services to small and large enterprises enterprises can serve a large number of customer with its small size. The advancement in internet services enables such firms to stay small and serve large. Thus, investing in an ERP system will enable GoDaddy to manage operations more effectively. Freight Forwarding firms consolidate good from various customers into one big container. This helps cut down the costs of shipping small amounts of goods. They use the infrastructure of big firms and manage operations right at their desks. Also, and ERP system will help freight forwarders to track the goods through the supply chain and mange customer relations. A small logistics firms manages the operations and uses resources of other organizations to transport the goods. Their small size demands huge amounts of resources. And ERP in a logistics firm with help the employees track the goods, manage the finance, maintain customer relations etc. Medical firms, architecture firms, designing and developing firms and many other IT sector firms are small in size but their needs are huge. Thus, Skullcrafts size and needs are not unusual as it is very common for a firm to remain small but serve a large number of customers which will inevitably increase their needs. Group Members Dhruvit Shah Praveenchand Nair Abhay Khurana Brahamdeep Singh
Sunday, January 19, 2020
HTML Language :: Essays Papers
HTML Language HTML – Hypertext Markup Language HTML is the language for publishing hypertext on the World Wide Web. This scripting language can be created and processed by a wide range of tools, from simple plain text editors - to sophisticated WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) authoring tools. HTML uses tags to structure text into headings, paragraphs, lists, hypertext links etc. A convenient way to automatically fix markup errors is to use the HTML Tidy utility. This makes the document easier to read and edit. Tidy is very effective at cleaning up markup created by authoring tools with sloppy habits. Tidy is able to fix up a wide range of problems and to bring to your attention things that you need to work on yourself. Each item found is listed with the line number and column so that you can see where the problem lies in your markup. Tidy won't generate a cleaned up version when there are problems that it can't be sure of how to handle. These are logged as "errors" rather than "warnings". HTML has three variants. You specify which of these variants you are using by inserting a line at the beginning of the document. Each variant has its own DTD - Document Type Definition - which sets out the rules and regulations for using HTML. When you want to use a tool to validate the HTML document, the tool will know which variant you are using. Transitional – Used when writing Web pages for the general public, when pages are accessible for viewing in older browsers. An advantage here is the support of style sheet, which include different features used in BODY such as bgcolor, text and link attributes. *!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""* Strict - Used when we want really clean structural mark-up, free of any tags associated with layout. It is used together with W3C's Cascading Style Sheet language (CSS) to get the font, color, and layout effects we want. *!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""* Frameset - Used when we want to partition the browser window into two or more frames.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Suggested Format for a Reflective Journal
Suggested format for a reflective journal Dr Elaine Regan, Postdoctoral Research Associate, King’s College London This is one of many possibilities, but it will give you some idea of the types of questions that you can usefully ask yourself. Feel free to modify this format to suit your needs. Write a page (or two) for each session, completed by you in order of the sessions. Complete this information after each time you do some work on the course. This includes the formal sessions, the related reading and any other preparation, such as work in groups.Answer only the questions that apply – but think carefully about whether each question applies or not. A Reflective journal/diary is not like an essay! In your notebook you reflect on the academic content of the INQUIRE course/workshop in relation to your professional practice. It can be written in an essay-type prose, with an introduction and conclusion, or it can be a mixture of continuous prose, notes, bullet points etc. The contents should (www. llas. ac. uk/resources/gpg/2395): ? relate the content of a workshop and related reading to your own teaching and personal development support any statements you make with evidence and examples from your reading and from your practice ? refer to insights gained into your practice ? consider the intention to try out new ideas and methods ? identify the need for further exploration of issues ? identify longer-term development What would an unsatisfactory entry be like? ? A description only of content from a workshop and reading ? Little reference to the workshop and related reading ? Generalisations unsupported by evidence or examples of how an insight or opinion came about A satisfactory diary entry would: Review (what happened in the course or something you tried form the course in your teaching) ? Reflect (make sense of what happened) ? Digest (absorb the implications of the learning event and link it with experience, action plans or questions for you to e xplore further) Keep the following page in the front of your notebook to stimulate your thoughts and writing (taken from www. audiencedialogue. net/journal. html). Your name Session date Session number Session topic What did I read for this session (apart from the notes)? What was the most interesting thing I read for this session (mark it above with an asterisk) – why was that?What were three main things I learned from this session? What did I previously think was true, but now know to be wrong? What did we not cover that I expected we should? What was new or surprising to me? What have I changed my mind about, as a result of this session? One thing I learned in this session that I may be able to use in future is†¦ I am still unsure about†¦ Issues that interested me a lot, and that I would like to study in more detail Ideas for action, based on this session†¦ What I most liked about this session was†¦ What I most disliked about this session was†¦ Mis cellaneous interesting facts I learned in this session†¦
Friday, January 3, 2020
Do Video Games Cause Bad Behavior Essay - 1395 Words
One of today’s most debated topics is whether violent video games cause bad behavior. This topic has been researched for almost 30 years and there are still major opinion differences. Many psychologists say violent video games do cause bad behavior, and claim that games such as Manhunt, Grand Theft Auto, and Modern Warfare, desensitize people to violence, making it a norm in society. Others disagree, claiming that these games, although they can be very violent, can help people develop critical thinking skills. (Nonviolent video games are preferred for this though). The truth is, violent video games do both; studies indicated that some games increase aggressive thought, feelings and behaviors in both the long and short term. But, studies†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Cursing and sexual dialogue round out the mix.) taught to do? Playing these games will not make them go out and shoot someone, but they use more aggressive language, and images, have less ability to contr ol their anger, and externalize these things in violent ways. Violent video games can harm society. There are many issues when dealing with the two sides of this debate. Those who claim violent video games don’t harm society sometimes get their information from what they believe to be expert advice; many times this advice comes from â€Å"experts†hired by media industries. â€Å"The media industries spend so much money on trying to convince the general public that there is nothing to worry about,†says Craig Anderson, who was interviewed on â€Å"Violent Video Games and Other Media Violence†. â€Å"The media industry is very worried about its profits and will do almost anything to protect them.†People should also consider the times a violent video game was just the push some crazy kid needed to kill someone or do something crazy. Fourteen year old Stefan Pakreeah was lured to a local park by one of his friends where he was beaten with a hammer and stabbed repeatedly. Pakreeah’s parents claim the murderer wasShow MoreRelatedEssay Do Violent Video Games Cause Bad Behavior?1373 Words  | 6 PagesEver since the video game was invented many years ago, violent, bloody games have existed also. Some include killing zombies, shooting people, and fighting that ends in either someone dying or being hurt. The outcome remains the same, and a select few continue to live out these games throughout their daily life. These games can sometimes cause people to become angry. Although, some video games may have a negative effect on some people’s lives, other reasons such as their home life can be a factorRead MoreNegative Effects Of Video Games1094 Words  | 5 Pages Kids start to play video games at an early age like 5-10. Video games today are a huge part of todays world. People today will spend as much as $60 on a game or even $300 on PlayStation or Xbox, With that being said, some people are spending most of their day playing video games. It is a major part of how we entertain ourselves today but, Video games are bad for teenagers and kids, Some of the reason why are because it can cause body pain, aggressive behavior, or even eye damage.It might alsoRead MoreThe Unknown Effects of Video Games on Teens928 Words  | 4 Pagesbeen quite a bit of controversy between what the real effect video games are having on teenagers. Although everybody swings one way or another, most can agree that albeit video games may or may not be bad, the overuse of these games, can be and is a major problem in the world. Many believe that video games have an exponentially negative effect on teenagers. Many believe that video games desensitize players. In a 2005 st udy, violent video game exposure has been linked to reduced P300 amplitudes in theRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children1258 Words  | 6 Pagesminutes into playing a violent video game the average person becomes desensitized to the fact that they are killing someone. Now it it may seem like nothing when you play these games. But when people, especially children play them often it starts to become the only thing that they think about. Even if it is â€Å"just a character†in a game it becomes so to them to pull that trigger. I’ve witnessed this happen in my own household and I don’t hesitate to say: violent video games are poisonous to the brainRead MoreAre Video Games Bad For You. Over The Past Decade, There895 Words  | 4 PagesAre Video Games Bad for You Over the past decade, there are more than 90 percent of American children play video games for about two hours per day. It becomes really matter for parents to clarify if playing video games are good or bad for the health? Research has shown, there are many negative effects such as excessive television and video playing cause muscle pain, obesity, lack of vitamin D, sleep deprivation†¦ which are related to video games playing. In addition, the effect of violent video gamesRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers909 Words  | 4 Pagesof Video Games Video games are good tools to relax after hours of working and studying. In moderate doses, video games can keep teenagers’ lives balanced between academics and entertainment. If they are in stressful states or worried about their assignments, a few hours of playing video games can help to dispel all of these unnecessary thoughts. However, many teenagers nowadays consume hours a day only for playing video games. Consequently, they fall into the virtual fantasy worlds of video gamesRead MoreSociety’s Most Recent Scapegoat: Video Gaming1637 Words  | 7 PagesRebellious, violent behavior in youth is often treated simplistically – whether Elvis Presley’s latest hits, the programs airing on Saturday night television, or the newest film playing in theaters were popular amongst children and young adults, the blame for unfavorable behavior has always had its scapegoat. One of the most recent additions to society’s scapegoats is video gaming. Whether the objective of a given game is to fight crime or cause it, the morality of video games is often questionedRead MoreThe Truth about Video Games and Violent Children 1222 Words  | 5 Pages Violent video games are not training kids to be murderers. The video game industries have been called against and blamed for making kids more aggressive and violent for years. Although recent studies show that violent video games have been useful for kids to get their anger out. Only some kids were found to be aggressive after violent video game play, but they had three specific traits that lead to this aggressive behavior (â€Å"Violent...). Not all kids are affected by violent video games, but peopleRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society867 Words  | 4 PagesVideo games over the years have developed into graphic bloody sources of ideas for adolescents. The games kids play today has large physiological effects that can really mess with one s mind. Violent video games hav e a long history of provoking aggressive behavior which can ultimately lead to people getting hurt. The realism gives the players more power by making them immune to the reality of the situation. Video games have a huge influence over their audience. The influence they have is veryRead MoreEssay on Numbing Violent Video Games934 Words  | 4 Pages Violent Video Games Did you know that video games aren’t just fun and games anymore? It may be influencing your child to hurt others. Video games are very enjoyable, but they are also very dangerous and unhealthy for children. More than 90% of children and adolescents play video games, the majority of those games contain violent content. However, this does not mean all types of video games are bad and that children will only develop bad habits from playing the video games. Video games can have
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