Monday, January 27, 2020
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Case Study
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Case Study  Discussion Questions What inspired Skullcraft to pursue ERP even though the company had just 26 employees? Solution An Enterprise Resource Planning system is an integrated system which helps the organization to manage its resources; inventory, procurement, supply chain, finance, human resource etc. are few of the many resources an ERP helps to manage. Although, the company had just 26 employees, an ERP system will enhance the managing of resources which is not limited to just human resources. The following facts will justify the implementation of the ERP system: The company was rivalling Sony in the U.S. headphones market with sales of up to $37 million. The company had around 200 to 300 percent annual growth rate. The business had to handle large amounts of transactions. The finance department was using Excel spreadsheets and Quickbooks to manage the books. Wide distribution of products. No product tracking through supply chain till ERP was implemented. In a nutshell, Skullcraft was a small business with transactions comparable to a big enterprise. Thus managing resources was getting more and more complicated as the company grew in sales and investing in an ERP system will help the company manage its resources in a more efficient way. Moreover, as the ERP system was fully hosted, the company did not need to manage a separate ERP infrastructure which was a bonus for them. What features caused Skullcraft to choose SAPs ByDesign? Solution SAPs ByDesign was a unique system which fulfilled Skullcrafts each and every requirement. After evaluating many systems, Beth Siron chose ByDesign for the following reasons: SAPs ByDesign was a fully system hosted system meaning that it did not required additional information system infrastructure to be implemented by Skullcraft. The organization would use the ERP system over the internet which made it easy for each and every department to use it from anywhere. It enabled big business practices for managing financials, inventory, customer relations, supply chain etc. in a format accessible to small businesses. This was perfect a was the small enterprise with annual growth rate of 200 to 300 percent. It helped Skullcraft to track the products through the supply chain. The ERP system was enabled the company to forecast future demand. Thus, the software did everything a big companys Information System would do but without the additional infrastructure and a team to manage it. These features where perfect for Skullcraft which was a small firm with transactions equal to a large firm. Critical Thinking Questions How do you think Skullcraft was able to maintain a small staff while increasing production 200 to 300 percent annually? Solution Rick Alden saw a unique business opportunity in selling high-end radically designed headphones to Skiers and Skateboaders. The company was also the first one to enable users to switch between music listening and cell phone conversations over headphones. The reason behind the tremendous growth was the target market and distribution channel. The company first targeted specialty ski and skate shops and then later large retail chains. Specialty retail shops attracted large amounts of extreme sports fanatics which put Skullcraft on the map in the headphones industry. Even with just 26 employees, the company was effectively able to manage its operations specially production and distribution. It is not unusually for a company to have a tremendous growth rate with such a small workforce. If operations are effectively managed, growth can be increased without comparable investment in additional resources. The company may have had the production outsourced which makes sense as a small workforce cannot produce and maintain such large product demand. Moreover, the company could have arranged the goods to the picked up at the manufacturers workshop and dropped at the specialty retail stores. Thus by effectively managing the flow of goods, the company must have been able to increase its production up to 200 to 300 percent with just 26 employees. Do you think Skullcraft is unusual in its size and needs? What other businesses can you think of that fit the Skullcraft model? Solution No, Skullcraft is not unusual in its needs and size. It I common for a company to have a tremendous growth rate even with a small size. Many small business offer services to a large number of customers. Skullcrafts Rick Alden realized an exceptional business opportunity which became a huge success and helped the company experience a growth rate of 200 to 300 percent annually. Also, the company was able to effectively manage and integrate operations resulting in huge sales while maintaining a small human capital. Other businesses that fit the Skullcraft model are: IT firms like GoDaddy which provide domain services to small and large enterprises enterprises can serve a large number of customer with its small size. The advancement in internet services enables such firms to stay small and serve large. Thus, investing in an ERP system will enable GoDaddy to manage operations more effectively. Freight Forwarding firms consolidate good from various customers into one big container. This helps cut down the costs of shipping small amounts of goods. They use the infrastructure of big firms and manage operations right at their desks. Also, and ERP system will help freight forwarders to track the goods through the supply chain and mange customer relations. A small logistics firms manages the operations and uses resources of other organizations to transport the goods. Their small size demands huge amounts of resources. And ERP in a logistics firm with help the employees track the goods, manage the finance, maintain customer relations etc. Medical firms, architecture firms, designing and developing firms and many other IT sector firms are small in size but their needs are huge. Thus, Skullcrafts size and needs are not unusual as it is very common for a firm to remain small but serve a large number of customers which will inevitably increase their needs. Group Members Dhruvit Shah Praveenchand Nair Abhay Khurana Brahamdeep Singh
Sunday, January 19, 2020
HTML Language :: Essays Papers
HTML Language HTML – Hypertext Markup Language HTML is the language for publishing hypertext on the World Wide Web. This scripting language can be created and processed by a wide range of tools, from simple plain text editors - to sophisticated WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) authoring tools. HTML uses tags to structure text into headings, paragraphs, lists, hypertext links etc. A convenient way to automatically fix markup errors is to use the HTML Tidy utility. This makes the document easier to read and edit. Tidy is very effective at cleaning up markup created by authoring tools with sloppy habits. Tidy is able to fix up a wide range of problems and to bring to your attention things that you need to work on yourself. Each item found is listed with the line number and column so that you can see where the problem lies in your markup. Tidy won't generate a cleaned up version when there are problems that it can't be sure of how to handle. These are logged as "errors" rather than "warnings". HTML has three variants. You specify which of these variants you are using by inserting a line at the beginning of the document. Each variant has its own DTD - Document Type Definition - which sets out the rules and regulations for using HTML. When you want to use a tool to validate the HTML document, the tool will know which variant you are using. Transitional – Used when writing Web pages for the general public, when pages are accessible for viewing in older browsers. An advantage here is the support of style sheet, which include different features used in BODY such as bgcolor, text and link attributes. *!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""* Strict - Used when we want really clean structural mark-up, free of any tags associated with layout. It is used together with W3C's Cascading Style Sheet language (CSS) to get the font, color, and layout effects we want. *!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""* Frameset - Used when we want to partition the browser window into two or more frames.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Suggested Format for a Reflective Journal
Suggested format for a reflective journal Dr Elaine Regan, Postdoctoral Research Associate, King’s College London This is one of many possibilities, but it will give you some idea of the types of questions that you can usefully ask yourself. Feel free to modify this format to suit your needs. Write a page (or two) for each session, completed by you in order of the sessions. Complete this information after each time you do some work on the course. This includes the formal sessions, the related reading and any other preparation, such as work in groups.Answer only the questions that apply – but think carefully about whether each question applies or not. A Reflective journal/diary is not like an essay! In your notebook you reflect on the academic content of the INQUIRE course/workshop in relation to your professional practice. It can be written in an essay-type prose, with an introduction and conclusion, or it can be a mixture of continuous prose, notes, bullet points etc. The contents should (www. llas. ac. uk/resources/gpg/2395): ? relate the content of a workshop and related reading to your own teaching and personal development support any statements you make with evidence and examples from your reading and from your practice ? refer to insights gained into your practice ? consider the intention to try out new ideas and methods ? identify the need for further exploration of issues ? identify longer-term development What would an unsatisfactory entry be like? ? A description only of content from a workshop and reading ? Little reference to the workshop and related reading ? Generalisations unsupported by evidence or examples of how an insight or opinion came about A satisfactory diary entry would: Review (what happened in the course or something you tried form the course in your teaching) ? Reflect (make sense of what happened) ? Digest (absorb the implications of the learning event and link it with experience, action plans or questions for you to e xplore further) Keep the following page in the front of your notebook to stimulate your thoughts and writing (taken from www. audiencedialogue. net/journal. html). Your name Session date Session number Session topic What did I read for this session (apart from the notes)? What was the most interesting thing I read for this session (mark it above with an asterisk) – why was that?What were three main things I learned from this session? What did I previously think was true, but now know to be wrong? What did we not cover that I expected we should? What was new or surprising to me? What have I changed my mind about, as a result of this session? One thing I learned in this session that I may be able to use in future is†¦ I am still unsure about†¦ Issues that interested me a lot, and that I would like to study in more detail Ideas for action, based on this session†¦ What I most liked about this session was†¦ What I most disliked about this session was†¦ Mis cellaneous interesting facts I learned in this session†¦
Friday, January 3, 2020
Do Video Games Cause Bad Behavior Essay - 1395 Words
One of today’s most debated topics is whether violent video games cause bad behavior. This topic has been researched for almost 30 years and there are still major opinion differences. Many psychologists say violent video games do cause bad behavior, and claim that games such as Manhunt, Grand Theft Auto, and Modern Warfare, desensitize people to violence, making it a norm in society. Others disagree, claiming that these games, although they can be very violent, can help people develop critical thinking skills. (Nonviolent video games are preferred for this though). The truth is, violent video games do both; studies indicated that some games increase aggressive thought, feelings and behaviors in both the long and short term. But, studies†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Cursing and sexual dialogue round out the mix.) taught to do? Playing these games will not make them go out and shoot someone, but they use more aggressive language, and images, have less ability to contr ol their anger, and externalize these things in violent ways. Violent video games can harm society. There are many issues when dealing with the two sides of this debate. Those who claim violent video games don’t harm society sometimes get their information from what they believe to be expert advice; many times this advice comes from â€Å"experts†hired by media industries. â€Å"The media industries spend so much money on trying to convince the general public that there is nothing to worry about,†says Craig Anderson, who was interviewed on â€Å"Violent Video Games and Other Media Violence†. â€Å"The media industry is very worried about its profits and will do almost anything to protect them.†People should also consider the times a violent video game was just the push some crazy kid needed to kill someone or do something crazy. Fourteen year old Stefan Pakreeah was lured to a local park by one of his friends where he was beaten with a hammer and stabbed repeatedly. Pakreeah’s parents claim the murderer wasShow MoreRelatedEssay Do Violent Video Games Cause Bad Behavior?1373 Words  | 6 PagesEver since the video game was invented many years ago, violent, bloody games have existed also. Some include killing zombies, shooting people, and fighting that ends in either someone dying or being hurt. The outcome remains the same, and a select few continue to live out these games throughout their daily life. These games can sometimes cause people to become angry. Although, some video games may have a negative effect on some people’s lives, other reasons such as their home life can be a factorRead MoreNegative Effects Of Video Games1094 Words  | 5 Pages Kids start to play video games at an early age like 5-10. Video games today are a huge part of todays world. People today will spend as much as $60 on a game or even $300 on PlayStation or Xbox, With that being said, some people are spending most of their day playing video games. It is a major part of how we entertain ourselves today but, Video games are bad for teenagers and kids, Some of the reason why are because it can cause body pain, aggressive behavior, or even eye damage.It might alsoRead MoreThe Unknown Effects of Video Games on Teens928 Words  | 4 Pagesbeen quite a bit of controversy between what the real effect video games are having on teenagers. Although everybody swings one way or another, most can agree that albeit video games may or may not be bad, the overuse of these games, can be and is a major problem in the world. Many believe that video games have an exponentially negative effect on teenagers. Many believe that video games desensitize players. In a 2005 st udy, violent video game exposure has been linked to reduced P300 amplitudes in theRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children1258 Words  | 6 Pagesminutes into playing a violent video game the average person becomes desensitized to the fact that they are killing someone. Now it it may seem like nothing when you play these games. But when people, especially children play them often it starts to become the only thing that they think about. Even if it is â€Å"just a character†in a game it becomes so to them to pull that trigger. I’ve witnessed this happen in my own household and I don’t hesitate to say: violent video games are poisonous to the brainRead MoreAre Video Games Bad For You. Over The Past Decade, There895 Words  | 4 PagesAre Video Games Bad for You Over the past decade, there are more than 90 percent of American children play video games for about two hours per day. It becomes really matter for parents to clarify if playing video games are good or bad for the health? Research has shown, there are many negative effects such as excessive television and video playing cause muscle pain, obesity, lack of vitamin D, sleep deprivation†¦ which are related to video games playing. In addition, the effect of violent video gamesRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers909 Words  | 4 Pagesof Video Games Video games are good tools to relax after hours of working and studying. In moderate doses, video games can keep teenagers’ lives balanced between academics and entertainment. If they are in stressful states or worried about their assignments, a few hours of playing video games can help to dispel all of these unnecessary thoughts. However, many teenagers nowadays consume hours a day only for playing video games. Consequently, they fall into the virtual fantasy worlds of video gamesRead MoreSociety’s Most Recent Scapegoat: Video Gaming1637 Words  | 7 PagesRebellious, violent behavior in youth is often treated simplistically – whether Elvis Presley’s latest hits, the programs airing on Saturday night television, or the newest film playing in theaters were popular amongst children and young adults, the blame for unfavorable behavior has always had its scapegoat. One of the most recent additions to society’s scapegoats is video gaming. Whether the objective of a given game is to fight crime or cause it, the morality of video games is often questionedRead MoreThe Truth about Video Games and Violent Children 1222 Words  | 5 Pages Violent video games are not training kids to be murderers. The video game industries have been called against and blamed for making kids more aggressive and violent for years. Although recent studies show that violent video games have been useful for kids to get their anger out. Only some kids were found to be aggressive after violent video game play, but they had three specific traits that lead to this aggressive behavior (â€Å"Violent...). Not all kids are affected by violent video games, but peopleRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society867 Words  | 4 PagesVideo games over the years have developed into graphic bloody sources of ideas for adolescents. The games kids play today has large physiological effects that can really mess with one s mind. Violent video games hav e a long history of provoking aggressive behavior which can ultimately lead to people getting hurt. The realism gives the players more power by making them immune to the reality of the situation. Video games have a huge influence over their audience. The influence they have is veryRead MoreEssay on Numbing Violent Video Games934 Words  | 4 Pages Violent Video Games Did you know that video games aren’t just fun and games anymore? It may be influencing your child to hurt others. Video games are very enjoyable, but they are also very dangerous and unhealthy for children. More than 90% of children and adolescents play video games, the majority of those games contain violent content. However, this does not mean all types of video games are bad and that children will only develop bad habits from playing the video games. Video games can have
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